Best of the Best,in the Best.What you posses is your property.Concrete Shell is my Study.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

4 weeks of continuous 3 days off

Started from Last weekend, we have 4 times of 3 days off.

first time : 15(sat) 16(sun) 17(mon :Respected for the Aged Day)
second time: 22(sat) 23(sun:Autumnal Equinox Day ) 24(mon:Compensating Holiday)
third time : 29(sat) 30(sun) 1(mon:School Holiday)
fourth time : 6(sat) 7(sun) 8(mon:National Sport Day) 9(tue:School Holiday)

for the fourth time, there are 4 days off.

what is your plan ?? any party again??