Best of the Best,in the Best.What you posses is your property.Concrete Shell is my Study.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sudden Squall

Today in the morning, there were a sudden squall.
at the time, there was a weather broadcasting on tv. fortunately the weather caster said that in my region is sunny.

to my surprise, just about 10mn the water in the drain become full and over flown every where.
it was a sudden happenning.

as what was told by weather caster, it became sunny in about 40mn.
and the water over flown also run out incredibly.


ungchamroeun said...

Your blog is great

事務局 said...

thank you.
what is your blog name mean??

ungchamroeun said...

my blog name, mean union for peace

事務局 said...

wow. great. you must love soccer much. are you player?