Best of the Best,in the Best.What you posses is your property.Concrete Shell is my Study.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

pics from Quetzalpapalotl (MEX)

Quetzalpapalotl is a world heritage site in Xochimilco city , not too far from Mexico city. It is well known as Teotihuacan.
The famous place is Piramid de sol ( Piramid of the sun) and Piramid de lunna ( Piramid of the moon). Aztecca don't like building so high, so all Aztecan cultural building left are mostly built from under ground or we can say build under the hill.
On the top of Piramid de sol , there are one spot where tourist rush to go . It is the highest point , which marked by an aluminiun pile head. People say that it is the only place that we can expiate their sin by meditating.