Best of the Best,in the Best.What you posses is your property.Concrete Shell is my Study.

Friday, July 20, 2007


What a surprise!!!! My Aquos mobile!!

This is my mobile expenditure and talking time. Wow incredible.

The Expenditure on mobile getting lower and lower . I can save much on my mobile.

And the talking time. well well. I use phone much more than before.As before i used to use only Email instead of talking but now talking talking .

Compare to my previous mobile career , i can now save nearly 1000YEN per month.

Lucky Lucky.

Posted in MY DIA.

11 Responses to “mYmObIlE”

  1. alicia Says:

    Wow.. oppositely from Me.. my expense on the mobile is too high till sometimes i think that i shouldnt have used it.. :(

  2. alicia Says:

    Can u help me??? i dont know what happen to my blog :( after i wrote msg and posted; it didnt show up i did it many time and it is still the same :?

  3. minahara Says:

    u better come to my class to study how to save on mobile.hahha

    anyways. ur blog! i can see u post “confused” twice after “Lazy Tired and Upset”

  4. hp Says:


  5. minahara Says:

    HPさんも結構使うんですねぇ。ソフトの皆さんがそれぞれ自分が使っているグラフを出したら 結構面白いんでしょうねぇ。誰が、一番使っているだろうねぇ。

  6. minahara Says:

    does ur blog go better again?
    if it still doesn’t u could try changing some template or widget?
    it might work after u change some.

  7. alicia Says:

    Emmm… no body i cant help Me to save on my mobile coz i use it to sms to oversea every day, so the expense is higher than other :/

    Yeahh.. U could “Confused” twice coz i tried to do it again and again but only the titles showed off, no description text.. :(

  8. alicia Says:

    my blog is OK.. :)

    After posting i can see all the text and i can edit my Confused’ title too :P

  9. minahara Says:

    great to hear that ur blog goes what should u have written in “Confused”. i’ll check later.
    Oversea sms? i can’t help that.

  10. alicia Says:

    hahaha.. U already checked lolzzz

    And now the rain is stopped.. so it is time for Me to fly :P

  11. minahara Says:

    u kind of ant??
    transform and fly after rain!